Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Gay Guy in Seminary Day 105 (Fry Party)
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Gay Guy in Seminary Day 104 (Exhaustion)
Friday, November 27, 2009
Gay Guy in Seminary Day 103 (New Moon)
Gay Guy in Seminary Day 102 (Hangover)
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Gay Guy in Seminary Day 101 (Home)
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Gay Guy in Seminary Day 100 (100th Post!!!)
Monday, November 23, 2009
Gay Guy in Seminary Day 099 (Bakla)
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Gay Guy in Seminary Day 098 (City of Refuge)
I went to City of Refuge today, a church affiliated with the UCC. It was an amazing service, very charismatic and energetic. It was similar to New Liberation Presbyterian Church, but even more going on. Annamae, one of my classmates, invited me to go with her because one of her classmates was giving the sermon. It was an interesting twist on the Jonah story. We happened to go on Youth Sunday, so the children were involved in different aspects of the worship service, and the children choir performed a song. They rocked the house! It's too bad the church is so far away, because it would be cool to attend services there more often.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Gay Guy in Seminary Day 097 (The Giblet Bag)
Gay Guy in Seminary Day 096 (2012)
Friday, November 20, 2009
Gay Guy in Seminary Day 095 (The Blues)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Gay Guy in Seminary Day 094 (The 3rd Rainbow)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Gay Guy in Seminary Day 093 (Rainbows)
I can't believe I'm doing a reprint, but I started wearing a rainbow bracelet again (see right), and it reminded me of the one I used to wear that I lost shortly before moving up here. Plus, if Mark Rosewater (a writer for Magic: The Gathering, yes I realize that was a geeky thing to write, but it makes me laugh) can do reprints, then so can I!
People in Kentucky…no offense to anyone reading this…are not quite so “tolerant.”
I was speaking with a woman on the phone today, trying to explain her husband’s insurance to her. I kept telling her that she needed to call her insurance company to update their records, but she refused to believe me. I finally got a little more firm with her and said that there was nothing that we could do; she was the only one that could fix the problem. She responded extremely sarcastically, “Okay!” and I heard her say “gay guy!” as she hung up on me…
No big deal right? I was telling people about it immediately after, everyone within earshot in fact, and they reacted pretty much the same way I did: shock. I’ll admit, it was kind of funny at first for the simple fact that it was so unbelievable that someone would do that.
I went around the office telling different people, getting basically the same reaction, shock, nervous laughter, people offering to call her up and yell at her or crank call her all night long or asking if I wanted them to kill her…which I didn’t want just so we’re all on the same page…
I eventually made my way back to my desk and someone asked if I was okay. I realized I was not.
I could feel the tears bubbling up inside of me so I quickly went out to the hallway where I had a good cry while a co-worker told me how I was a bigger person than that woman and how I can’t let something like that get to me and how she was only telling me things I would tell her if she was in my situation and how I’m too good of a person to let these things get me down and so on and so forth. Thank God, I am surrounded by rational and caring people.
I eventually got back into the office, but that co-worker who had been helping me deal with the situation went to tell the COO what had happened. He called me in to talk with him, so I ended up crying in front of the COO, which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, but not really a situation I ever thought I would be in. He was very understanding and took steps to ensure that no one in the office would ever have to deal with that woman again.
What that woman said to me haunted me for the rest of the day. My head felt like it was vibrating and I kind of felt like I needed to throw up. Mostly I just felt drained…I think I was depressed. Throughout the whole ordeal, the rational part of my mind was trying to figure out what exactly was going on. It took a while to figure out why those three words had such a strong impact on me. I remember telling my co-worker that it was like the woman had stabbed me with a psychic knife.
What that woman had managed to do was take an essential part of my being and use it as a slur in order to completely dismiss me a person. She took this part of me that I had no choice over and could never change even if I wanted to and turned it not necessarily into something bad, but something that was less. Because I had this “thing” as part of my makeup, I was not worth listening to and was of lower status and could never overcome this fatal flaw.
And it broke me.
No one had ever spoken to me the way that she had. She ripped me out of my reality and thrust me into a fog of bigotry and ignorance. I’m sure for some people this story will seem silly. All she called me was “gay” right? She didn’t even use one of the more offensive terms traditionally used in order to really dig at someone. What’s the big deal?
It was the way that she said it. It was what she meant by it. She wasn’t calling me a homosexual at that moment. She was calling me an over-emotional second-class citizen. She didn’t say it to hurt me; she said it to win. That’s how little she thinks of me. At that that moment, I wasn’t even human to her. And, she probably won’t even call her insurance.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Gay Guy in Seminary Day 092 (Bonus Points)

I got my Church History midterm back and I got a 26 1/2 out of 50 O_o.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Gay Guy in Seminary Day 091 (Baptists Part Deux)

Ryan and I went to Abiding Way again, you know, that Baptist place. Still haven't had the talk with the pastor because we were in a hurry to get back so we could do homework. Ryan said he wasn't feeling the service as much this week. I kind of understand what he was talking about, but it was okay for me. There wasn't as much energy this time, and the people weren't as engaging, but it might have been because they moved the service 45 minutes earlier and people might have been disoriented. Plus, a pretty large group left immediately after service to start the Bible study groups.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Gay Guy in Seminary Day 090 (Home for the Holidays)

I'm not sure how far back this tradition goes, probably back to the time when I lived with Carly because she is the one that introduced the movie to me, but Thanksgiving just isn't Thanksgiving if I don't watch Home for the Holidays. Chrys, Faith and I watched it tonight as a reward to ourselves for completing the four study guides we need to have done for the Old Testament quiz on Tuesday. Now, all I have to do is write the flash cards so I can study.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Gay Guy in Seminary Day 089 (Hiking Naked in Switzerland)

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Gay Guy in Seminary Day 088 (I AM NOT A REPUBLICAN!)

You see, these issues are not even fundamental to the Republican Party. Of course, they want the right wingers to think that they are so that they can keep getting voted into power, but what the Republican Party is supposed to represent, at least the way that I've always been told, is smaller government. The government is supposed to impose less on our lives. So, how is telling people who they can and who they cannot marry less government?
And, since we are on the topic, there are actually a lot of things that I do not like about the Republican Party. They like to perpetuate the myth that global warming is not real. I'm some kind of doomsday extremist, but I choose to believe the 99% of scientists who think that global warming is real. I happen to care about God's creation very much and I believe it is our duty as stewards of this planet to take care of it. I think we need to protect endangered species and that we need keep some spaces wild and clean so that we can go out into it and enjoy this world that God made for us. We also need to start looking into alternative fuels so that we can reduce our dependence on forgein oil and also reduce our carbon emissions.
I also believe in social welfare. There is no reason why people should be multi-millionaires while people starve in the streets. It is immoral. Yes, I believe that if people work hard that they should be able to benefit from that, but if we are going to be good Christians, we need to take care of the homeless and the hungry and the infirm around us like the Bible tells us too. It's always been so strange to me that the party that professes to have the most faith tends to be the one that is the most heartless.
And, while I think abortion, with the exception of when the mother's life is in danger, is absolutely wrong, I do not think that anyone can make that choice for a woman other than herself. It is unfortunate that there is no way to take a father's opinion into consideration, but a woman's body is her own, and any decision that she makes in that regard is between her and God. As I said when I was wrote about gay marriage a few posts back, you cannot legislate morality.
I do not believe in the death penalty. Besides the fact that it has been proven ineffective against reducing crime and the fact that innocent people are put to death, I do not think that I have enough moral standing to say that a person needs to die. By all means, keep them locked up if they are a danger to society; I certainly don't want those people running around. From a strictly financial viewpoint, it costs a lot more to kill someone than it does to keep them locked up for life because of all of the litigation.
Education is one of the most important things we can do as a nation. I reduces crime and boosts the economy. But, education, as well as hospitals and roads and emergency services and our military and a myriad of other things cost money. This stuff isn't free people!!! Where does this money come from? Taxes. I know for all of you Republicans out there that taxes is a dirty word. While I don't like paying taxes either, I'm just glad that we have a system in place where we can pay our taxes and that money will actually do something to benefit us all. Not everyone lives in a country like that.
And finally, I don't know all of the ins and outs of "universal healthcare," but I do know that the system we have is broken. Lack of medical insurance is the number one reason that people lose their homes. I have medical insurace and even for me it has been difficult watching my premiums increase by 100% over the last five years. Coming from the medical field, I think some of the medical policies out there are atrocious and someone needs to do something before the entire system collapses.
So, thank Marlene for getting me on this topic. Those are my political viewpoints, as inarticulate as they are. Believe it or not, I don't actually like politics and I feel that I typically don't know very much about it. I hope I didn't hurt too many feelings out there, if you don't like anything that I said, just write it off as "hippie tree-hugger" rantings and go about your day. You probably wouldn't want to know what I'm thinking about you.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Gay Guy in Seminary: Day 087 (Mushroom Chicken)
Tom and I had a food experiment today. In typical chinese restaurant fashion, I just called it Eggplant Chicken, but the eggplant disintegrated so for now it's going to be Mushroom Chicken. I was going for a really spicy dish, but Tom kept telling me to stop adding the hot chili oil. It turned out really good; Faith, Tom and I had a wonderful meal.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Gay Guy in Seminary: Day 086 (Hebrew)
Monday, November 9, 2009
Gay Guy in Seminary: Day 085 (Zombie Follow-up)

I finished The Serpent and the Rainbow a few days ago, but I haven't had a chance to write about it because of all the other things that have been going on. I know you've all been waiting on pins and needles to find out what happens, so here's how it all ends.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Gay Guy in Seminary: Day 084 (Abiding Way)
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Gay Guy in Seminary: Day 083 (Know Your Friends)

I woke up this morning, logged onto facebook and saw that one of my friends, not a friend that I only know through facebook, but an actual friend from real life, voted on a facebook poll to say that he did not support same-sex marriage. This was a very upsetting thing for me to see so early in the morning, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it all day. As we all know, this debate has been going on for some time, and I know that some of my friends are not as supportive as I would like them to be, but to actually put it out there for everyone to see that you are taking a stand against another person's rights just seems to be really extreme. Especially when you know that at least one of your friends is gay.
Gay Guy in Seminary: Day 082 (Rock Away Hunger Dance)

Fisrt of all, I apologize for anthing thsat I write in this entry because I am drunk. Tonight was the "Rock Away Hunger" dance, and I had a few drinks, but not anything noteworthy. (Side Note: The drummer of the band TOTALLY looked like William H Macy!!!) Afterwards, a bunch of us went to Holy Groiounds and shared jokes. It was really fun. We had a few opened bottles of wine tha for some reason I had gotten into my mind that needed to be finsihed off. Needless to say, I got/am pretty drunk and we decided to fo to Denny's afterwards. My brother would be so pround that I am having a drnuk at Denny's in the middle of the night moment. I ordered the steak and eggs, because I've always wanted to order that, but for some reaoson, never have, and it just seemed apropos. I was there with Christina, Gavin, Jim and Annamae, although I was the only one that was drunk. I've usually been pretty careful about where I allow myself to get drunk. I guess it just shows how safe I feel aroud these people. I've nverer had a hangover before, but I wouldn't be surprised if I have one when I wake up tomorrow. Good night everyone! Thanks to everyone that shared this night with me!!! XD
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Gay Guy in Seminary: Day 081 (For the Children)
For the Children
I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Do you, the congregation promise to care for and nurture this child to the best of your abilities?
We do.
Do you, the congregation promise to care for and nurture this child to the best of your abilities?
We do.
We do.
Of course we do.
How can we not?
What will happen to us if we do not care for the children?
We must care for the children.
The children are the future.
We will sing their praises and heap rewards upon them reaching up to the heavens!
We will show that we love them, not only with words, but with the actions that legends are made of!
We will praise them and love them and we will lift them up into the Father’s arms, for He is waiting,
And He is far better able to care for them than we.
And, remember, this will all look good on paper,
And the paper-trail leads back to us, so we need to make it look good!
We will make a show,
A grand production with lights and music!
Smoke and mirrors!
We will make a show to end all shows!
There will be a song and dance!
And as our candied words pour from our lips like honey from golden goblets,
Syrupy and sweet,
They will watch enthralled by the music,
And they just might not notice the hilts of the jeweled daggers embedded in their backs,
Flashing brilliant with amber, sapphire and glass,
And they might not notice the poison in their cups, the sweet wine masking the sweet taste of betrayal.
Their deaths shall be glorious.
A glorious death for glorious children,
And we will congratulate ourselves for we were up to the task,
For it takes a special kind of someone to murder children,
Glorious children who were far more glorious than we,
Blinding with their light,
Who could make out their faces for all the halos?
Flowing white robes and angel wings,
We hardly knew them.
We didn’t know them,
Sticky hands and muddy feet.
We didn’t need them really,
Dirty faces, dirty speech,
Crude manners,
Unsightly dress,
And the smell!
Like pigs rutting in the sweltering summer heat.
Besides, children cost too much,
And the buildings need repair.
Look at how dull the stone shines and how the mortar crumbles,
The temple bell has cracked,
And the organ pipes are rusty,
What will people think of us if we cannot even care for the temple?
The temple that sheltered us,
Where we were nurtured and cared for,
We must care for the temple so that others will care for us.
We shall mend it with the finest woods:
Cedar and rosewood,
Oak, maple and cherry!
And, we shall make it to shine with burnished gold,
Inlaid with diamonds, rubies, emerald and mother-of-pearl!
And, we shall adorn it with a thousand lanterns so that it will shine!
At night, it will seem as if a thousand stars have come down from the heavens to dwell among us!
And, it will be beautiful!
We will raise it up to the heavens so that it will become the stuff that legends are made of!
We will praise it and love it for this a temple for the world to see!
Everyone will see what is important to us!
Everyone will see what we are capable of creating and accomplishing.
Everyone will see what is in our hearts because of it.
And, the people!
Oh, the people!
They will come in droves just to see it!
And they shall bring their children,
Their glorious children!
Blinding, with their light and their halos,
Swirling white robes and angel wings.
Remember, we do this for the children.