Fisrt of all, I apologize for anthing thsat I write in this entry because I am drunk. Tonight was the "Rock Away Hunger" dance, and I had a few drinks, but not anything noteworthy. (Side Note: The drummer of the band TOTALLY looked like William H Macy!!!) Afterwards, a bunch of us went to Holy Groiounds and shared jokes. It was really fun. We had a few opened bottles of wine tha for some reason I had gotten into my mind that needed to be finsihed off. Needless to say, I got/am pretty drunk and we decided to fo to Denny's afterwards. My brother would be so pround that I am having a drnuk at Denny's in the middle of the night moment. I ordered the steak and eggs, because I've always wanted to order that, but for some reaoson, never have, and it just seemed apropos. I was there with Christina, Gavin, Jim and Annamae, although I was the only one that was drunk. I've usually been pretty careful about where I allow myself to get drunk. I guess it just shows how safe I feel aroud these people. I've nverer had a hangover before, but I wouldn't be surprised if I have one when I wake up tomorrow. Good night everyone! Thanks to everyone that shared this night with me!!! XD
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