Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 209 (Hiking)

I'm totally supposed to be sleeping or studying right now, but instead, I'm hanging out with some friends at Holy Grounds getting a little tipsy. (Or a lot...we'll see how the rest of the night goes) Went on a 13 mile hike this morning. My feet hurt. Then we went to Mi Pueblo AND the broken drum. Finishing out the night now. *sigh* I'll basically have 1 day to prepare for next week. I have no one to blame except myself.


  1. I am just now getting back to my room... totally worth it! We should have drawn on you "light sleeper"

  2. you'll so be able to do everything you need to get done... don't worry about it!

  3. so, um, what did you all DO when i left? i feel SO left out :( boo... seriously, ryan and christina, 5:30am?!?!? i woke up about 30 minutes after you all went to bed... wow... and it was totally worth it - or at least it was worth it to stay until 3am :)

  4. Yeah, last night was SO much fun! It's too bad homework and studying are always interfering with this stuff >_<

  5. Not that you need another distraction, but this is way too cool:

    Hummingbird eggs hatching on web cam. Btw if you get hooked it is only polite to call other watchers when the mom leaves ;-P...she's gone now and there are two little holes in one of the eggs!!!
