I can't have a private conversation with someone and then blab all about here, as interesting as that might be for some of you to read. There are political things that go on with the school, things that students do that professors may or may not know about, and certain things that people say about other people that I simply cannot in good conscience put out there on the Internet for everyone to read. Remember, we are seminarians, not saints. Besides, I probably wouldn't have very many friends after a while. I do feel that I am a trustworthy person and I want people to know that. I suppose they must if they are aware of this blog and they continue to tell me things in confidence.
There are thoughts that I have that I simply cannot share here. Yes, as open as I am trying to be, there are some things that are just too personal, especially when they are thoughts about other people.
I hope writing this doesn't disenchant anyone who has been reading this blog.
It makes me sad that I can't represent the fullness of what it is like to be here, but there are more things that I have to consider than what would make a juicy read. But, Oh! how I wish I could tell it all!
In other news:
We had our last actual Hebrew class today. Bob gave us tomorrow off to study, so all we have left is the final on Wednesday. A decent sized group of us got together at Holy Grounds to study. I'll be back there tomorrow (with a bottle of red wine to take the edge off) to continue studying.

This might be a preview of your congregational dynamic. There are more than likely going to be sexist jerks in your future flock (trust me I go to work and school with more than my fair share - Who needs God more? Aside from psychos, of course.), so hopefully there is a way to bridge that gap with out alienating either side.
ReplyDeleteThe funny thing is, I'm probably one of the least "gender-issue sensitive" people at the school, LOL.
ReplyDeleteTank girl is a British Comic that is written by two... you guessed it... men. However it is weird that there was gender issue involved with it, Tank Girl has been praised for having a strong female lead character to the point where it is a favorite among feminists in a world of nasty scantly clad secondary female characters. Just sayin.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, and that movie made me physically sick when I watched it back in the day... the cinematography is nauseating.
ReplyDeleteWhat?!?!?! It's great! I love the cuts to the comic book shots and the animated scenes. The reason that I thought some feminists would be offended was because of some of the things that the men to to the women in the movie and some of the scenes that the women find themselves in, like the whole Liquid Silver scene where women are obviously being viewed as scantily clad object, not people. There are also a lot of scene with the Rippers in which the writers obviously think it's okay to reduce women to sexual objects. It just made me a little uncomfortable after all of the talks we've had here at SFTS.