Started the day with a little bit of Lectio Devina. We actually did the prayer exercise instead of just a lecture, and it felt really good. I felt really connected to God while we were doing it.
Afterwards I had to go to Wells Fargo again because they can't seem to figure out how to stop stealing my money. I went ahead and deposited my student loan check...hopefully I won't live to regret the decision.
Went to Marin Coffee Roasters with Terra to study. Tom showed up and left, then Ian came. They have the best music there! Every time I'm in a coffee shop or restaurant, I'm always looking for elements that I can incorporate into the church I think I'm supposed to open someday. From this place, I definitely liked the music, although I've been collecting music for just this purpose for the last 3 or 4 years. They serve food there, but I didn't get anything to eat.
It's kind of annoying that they close at 6:00 pm.
So, here's the "pretty" part of my calling. I believe that I'm supposed to open a "cafe church." It will be both restaurant and church. During the week, we'll serve mainly the kind of drinks you'd find at a coffee shop, but I'm thinking about including wine. We'll also have pastries and really good food. I've been collecting recipes too. It'll have a stage for live music and spoken word, and Bible study groups will be able to meet there, as well as the youth group.
On Sunday, it will turn into a church. This part hasn't really solidified for me yet, but I'm leaning towards a really long service, maybe somewhere along the lines of 5 hours or more that people can sort of float in and out of, or even stay the whole time if they want. It'll be broken up with a fellowship lunch in the middle and will include things like group discussion and lectio devina. Different elements will happen at regular times so that if people really want to have praise music, they'll know to show up later in the afternoon, or if people are more interested in the sermon, they'll know to come around 10 am.
I want the place to kind of function as a community center, where people feel like its a home away from home. I want people to think of it as a place when they can come and relax for a few hours, have a blended mocha, eat some mac 'n cheese, and maybe play Apples to Apples with a few friends before hunkering down to do homework. I can see it so clearly, I know it's what God wants me to do. It'll be so different, people won't know what to make of it at first, but hopefully they'll come to equate church with community and togetherness and comfort.
So, this is my vision. Anyone interested?
I claim all design work! But we already discussed this months ago. :) Oh oh - A project I have to do with a partner for my design class is to design everything that goes with a restaurant/shop! It will prepare me for your cafe! :D