Monday, May 31, 2010
Day 288 (Going Home)
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Day 287 (Last Days)
Day 286 (The Ultras)
After spending the first part of the day in San Francisco with Stacey, Heather and Ryan, I was off to San Jose to watch a professional soccer game with Ryan. Ryan had left us several hours earlier to be part of the tail-gating party and to watch the first half of the game. He is part of "The Ultras," a hard core group of people that support the San Jose Quakes.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Day 285 (First Year Done!)

I am officially done with my first year of seminary! WOO HOO!!!! I just emailed my final to my Exegesis professor and my reward is that I can now blog!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Day 284 (Final Paper and Pesto)
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Day 283 (Root Canal)

I decided last night I needed to get a root canal. This was not an easy decision because dental work is a little nerve-racking, and I also knew it would not be cheap.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Day 282 (Stacey & Summer Itinerary)
18-Jun | /Calico/Vegas |
19-Jun | /Salt Lake City |
20-Jun | /Salt Lake City |
21-Jun | /Yellowstone |
22-Jun | /Yellowstone |
23-Jun | /Yellowstone |
24-Jun | /Montana |
25-Jun | /Montana |
26-Jun | /Montana |
27-Jun | /South Dakota |
28-Jun/ | South Dakota |
29-Jun | /South Dakota |
30-Jun | /South Dakota |
1-Jul | /Minneapolis, MN |
2-Jul/ | Minneapolis, MN |
3-Jul | /Minneapolis, MN |
4-Jul | /Minneapolis, MN |
5-Jul | /Minneapolis, MN |
6-Jul | /Minneapolis, MN |
7-Jul | /Minneapolis, MN |
8-Jul | /Minneapolis, MN |
9-Jul | /Minneapolis, MN |
10-Jul | /Minneapolis, MN |
11-Jul/ | Minneapolis, MN |
12-Jul | /Wisconsin |
13-Jul | /Chicago |
14-Jul | /Chicago |
15-Jul | /Chicago |
16-Jul | /Indiana/Ohio |
17-Jul | /Ohio |
18-Jul | /Ohio |
19-Jul | /Ohio |
20-Jul/ | Ohio |
21-Jul | /Ohio |
22-Jul/ | PA |
23-Jul | /PA |
24-Jul | /PA |
25-Jul | /Washington DC |
26-Jul | /Washington DC |
27-Jul | /Washington DC |
28-Jul | /Washington DC |
29-Jul | /VA |
30-Jul | /NC |
31-Jul | /NC |
1-Aug | /NC |
2-Aug | /NC |
3-Aug | /NC / SC |
4-Aug | /SC / GA |
5-Aug | /GA / FL |
6-Aug | /FL - Holy Land Experience |
7-Aug | /FL - Everglades |
8-Aug | /FL - Key West |
9-Aug/ | FL |
10-Aug/ | FL/AL/MS |
11-Aug | /New Orleans |
12-Aug | /New Orleans |
13-Aug | /LA / TX |
14-Aug | /OK / TX |
15-Aug | /OK /TX |
16-Aug | /TX / NM |
17-Aug | /NM |
18-Aug | /NM |
19-Aug | /NM |
20-Aug/ | NM / AZ |
21-Aug/ | Flagstaff |
22-Aug | /San Diego |
23-Aug | /San Diego |
24-Aug | /San Diego |
Monday, May 24, 2010
Day 281 (Toyota)
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Day 280 (Wind)
Day 279 (Graduation)
Friday, May 21, 2010
Day 278 (Finals Week: Day 5)
Day 277 (Finals Week: Day 4)

Thursday, May 20, 2010
Day 276 (Finals Week: Day 3)

Okay, I have to apologize for the self-indulgent blog that I'm about to write because not that many people may understand it, but I may have just possibly played the best Magic game ever in my life.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Day 275 (Finals Week: Day 2)
Day 274 (Finals Week: Day 1)
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Day 273 (Paper Writing)
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Day 272 (Hamburger Patties)

Hamburger patties (93% lean, 7% fat) are on sale right now at Safeway at $4.00 for 3 lbs. This is way, way, way cheaper than just buying ground beef, or buying any kind of beef in general, and even cheaper than chicken. Sine I am a poor seminary student, I bought 45 lbs of it and stuck it in my freezer. The bottom layer of my freezer is now comprised of ground beef patties stacked ten high. They stack much nicer than the chicken leg quarters that were my previous bulk protein purchase. The things I do to survive...
Friday, May 14, 2010
Day 271 (First Sermon)
The search for a new president for SFTS is going to be a challenge. So many things to consider. Do we want someone that’s conservative or liberal? Do we consider ethnicity, sexuality, gender? This person is gonna hold a certain amount of power and is gonna influence the way this seminary is perceived. This is serious! We need to come up with some kind of plan for pulling the needle that we need out of a haystack of possibilities. But, let’s put this into perspective. We’re not looking for the next king of Israel.
I was reading 1 Samuel 16 in preparation for this sermon, a passage I had read many, many times over the course of the term, looking at the Hebrew, trying to figure what the borders of the passage were, exploring the traditions behind the words, and the phrasing, and of course the theological implications of what was going between God, Samuel, David and Saul. Again, very serious work.
But this last time, as I was reading the text, the thing that struck me was the fact that God was acting like a sneaky little punk. God comes up with this off-the-wall plan to get Samuel and David together so that Samuel can anoint David. Of all the ways that God could have chosen to accomplish this, God basically chose to play a trick on the village elders. God chose to have a little fun.
See, God is fun! God is creativity and goofiness and silliness; God can choose to have a little fun with creation, and sometimes God can be like Calvin. I’m not talking about the theologian. I’m talking about the Calvin & Hobbes character from the Sunday comics. God can do sneaky little things like pulling a fast one on King Saul and the village elders, because sometimes having a little fun is just the right thing to do.
See, Samuel’s all worried that people are gonna find out what he’s up to and that Saul’s gonna kill him, so who comes up with a solution? It’s God! God puts an arm around Samuel and says, “I’ve got it! Here’s what you’re gonna do. You’re gonna take a cow, and when they ask you what you’re doing, you’re gonna tell them that you went there, so you could sacrifice the cow to me.” You can just picture the mischievous little grin on God’s face!
It’s like when Calvin and Hobbes make up some elaborate scheme so they can bean his neighbor Suzie in the head with a snowball! God came up with a sneaky little plan, like God’s some kind of sneaky little kid, and God tells Samuel to lie a little, and Samuel does. He tells the elders he’s there, to sacrifice a cow.
There was some concern over my use of the word “fun”, that it might be to light or comical of a word to use to describe God. But, why do we always insist on diminishing certain aspects of God? Is dignity more important than humor? Is scholarship more important than whimsy? I’m gonna say no. The search for a new president is a serious thing, but it need not be devoid of laughter, or fun, or pleasant surprise. We can and we should look for the fun that might be in this. It worked for God and it worked Samuel, and it can work for us too.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Day 270 (End of Term)
Day 269 (Gerry)

I just got the movie Gerry in the mail. The reason I got this movie is because it is bad. It's not that it's not good. This movie is genuinely and truly, devastating, gut-wrenching, mind-boggling, vomit-inducing BAD! I'm going to come right out and say it is the worst movie ever. It is so bad, that I am also going to say it is a MUST SEE. People do not understand how bad a movie is until they see this movie, so it is vitally important that people see it. Of course, I always show it to people with an advisory that it will be the worst movie that they have ever seen. They don't believe me of course... until the movie starts. Ian was cursing at the screen within the first three minutes. (I'm talking actual swear words here, LOL.)
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Day 268 (UFO Sighting Follow-Up)
Monday, May 10, 2010
Day 267 (UFO)

Okay, at the risk of sounding crazy, I just reported a UFO sighting. A friend and I were watching the Lyrid meteor shower on April the 23rd, lying on the grass, surrounded by redwood trees. We were talking about theology and various other things when a brown disc-shaped object flew overhead. At first, I thought it might be a larger meteor because we were after all watching a meteor shower.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Day 266 (Jennifer Knapp)

Alright, I'm gonna be honest here and say that I had no idea who Jennifer Knapp was before she came out of the closet at all the news outlets went all abuzz about her. And, I'm also aware that this news is somewhat old, but I thought the following interview with her was interesting, sooooooooo......
Day 265 (Emotional Health)

I sometimes worry that I have diarrhea of the mouth. Anytime anything significant happens to me, I recount the event over and over and over again to anyone that will listen, and I actually find myself going into story mode where I realized I tell the story in almost the exact same way that I had told the story the previous 5 or 6 times. I even got really embarrassed one time when one of my friends pointed this fact out to me, because he had been around for multiple tellings of the same story because I kept encountering new people who hadn't heard it yet.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Day 264 (The Death of a Friendship)
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Day 263 (Revelations)
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Day 262 (Disappointment)
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Day 261 (Possibilities)

There's this guy in my Christian Education class that I would like to ask out on a date. The only problem is that I am an absolute chicken and was not able to work up the courage to do so when given the chance. You know that story about the man sitting on the roof in a flood and he passes up help from a man in a rowboat and another guy in a helicopter saying that he's waiting for God to save him and he eventually drowns? Then, when he get to heaven and he sees God, he asks God why God didn't save him and God says that he sent a guy in a rowboat and another guy in a helicopter, but the man decided to stay on the roof.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Day 260 (Kick Ass)

I just got back from watching Kick Ass, the new Nicolas Cage movie about masked vigilantes. It was not exactly what I was expecting, and it was gorier than I like my movies to be, but I think the movie may have actually required the gore. I was surprised at the depth of this movie, especially considering the fact that I originally thought was going to be a glorified cheeseball superhero action-figure promotional video. That didn't stop me from wanting to see it, though. It was like a Wildstorm comic brought to life. The characters were flawed and almost too real. It was a teenage boy's fantasy, and I'm not talking about beautiful women. I'm talking about that secret dream to escape from the mundane life of high school, homework, parents and the pointless attempts to scale the social ladder. What teenage boy doesn't dream about being a superhero? The only problem is that most superhero movies present a completely unrealistic goal for most (if not all) people. Kick Ass is reachable. While that makes it amazing, I certainly hope no actual person will aspire to be one of the characters in the movie. I mean, they could get hurt!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Day 259 (Theological Norm)

I discovered recently what my theological norm is. A theological norm is what a person uses as a basis for everything that they believe when it comes to God, faith, the afterlife, spirituality, what-have-you. Many people use their personal experience as their theological norm. A lot of people use the figure of Jesus as revealed in the Scriptures.
Day 258 (7 Stories)

I found out today that in all of literature, there are only 7 plot lines. Nothing is new, everything has been told before. It is up to writers to redo the window dressing to make things look new and interesting, but in reality, it has all been done.