Being gay is hard. Being Christian is hard. I'm both. Bring it on!!!
The Lord’s Prayer [Holier Than Thou Translation]
Our Father, who art in heaven,
On your puffy white cloud,
What the heck are you doing up there?
You made everything,
You see everything,
You control everything,
So don’t you think it’s time for you to get down here to start fixing some things!
Don’t you see the blasphemy that these people want to do in your church?
Aren’t you getting just a little bit upset at how wrong all these people are?
I demand justice!
I demand retribution!
Get these people out of here, so I can have my nice little church back,
And no one has to get hurt.
I mean, really?
Do we really need them?
How important are they anyway?
Does it really matter what we do to them?
Or what we say behind their backs?
Because what they don’t know doesn’t hurt them, right?
I am ready to receive your instructions,
I will follow your laws to the letter,
Except for the ones that don’t make any sense,
For thine is the kingdom,
And the power,
And the glory forever.
We also had our second poetry night tonight. It was kind of late notice, so there was only four of us there, but it was pretty cool nonetheless. Laura ran it tonight, and she based it off of what her poetry group used to do, which is writing for 15 minutes on a prompt. My prompt was a picture of a sand dollar in the water. I haven't come up with a title for it yet, but this is the poem I came up with:
It was just beneath the water,
A tiny broken thing,
A sand dollar with a hole on top,
White against the sand,
Stripped of life,
Made clean, you could say.
Some people say life can be unclean,
You dirty yourself through the living,
Though life itself is supposed to be a gift.
Can it be true that the only way to protect the gift,
Is to take it away?
If you find a whole one,
And crack it open,
You can find tiny pieces of shell inside,
Shaped like little white doves,
But this one has been cracked by the waves,
Cracked by life,
And the doves,
The doves flew away.
Chicken Noodle Soup**
Drug Facts
Directions: Adults and children: Take two to three bowls daily with a glass of water at the first sign of cold or flu symptoms, preferably as a replacement for a meal.*
Active Ingredients: Chicken, water, salt, carrots, noodles, potatoes, carrots, celery, onions, tomato, garlic, thyme, laurel, lemon & black pepper.
There is an as yet unidentified substance in chicken soup that acts as an anti-inflammatory by inhibiting the movement of neutrophils, immune system cells that participate in the body's inflammatory response. *
Chicken contains cysteine, which cleaves to the disulfide bonds found in mucoproteins and splits them, which reduces the viscosity of the mucus, clears nasal passages, deters the onset of the disease and shortens its duration.*
Chicken fat contains lipids that suppress viral reproduction. *
Hot liquid keeps nasal passages moist, thins the mucus, prevents dehydration, sooths sore throats and improves the function of cilia guarding the body from contagions. *
Steam speeds up movement of mucus through the nose, relieving congestion and limiting viral contact with the nasal lining. *
Salt sooths sore throats and helps to reduce inflammation by drawing moisture out of cells lining the esophagus. Traditional folk medicine regards salt as a purifying agent that can be used to drive away demons that cause disease. *
Onions contain sulphur compounds and quercetin, two antioxidants that aid in neutralizing free radicals present in the human body. Onions have antibacterial and antifungal properties and help to provide respite to patients with cold symptoms. Onions have been used as a charm against evil spirits. Halved or quartered onions placed in the home absorb negativity. *
Noodles and potatoes are rich in complex carbohydrates that the body uses for energy. *
Carrots, celery, lemon and tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, which boosts the immune system and provides relief from colds. *
Garlic thins mucus. A clove of garlic placed in each room can ward off disease. *
Thyme fights infections, dries mucous membranes and relaxes spasms of the bronchial passages. *
Black pepper thins mucus and helps to reduce fever. The magical properties of black pepper include protection and strength. *
Laurel contains parthenolides, which are useful for treating headaches, and also contains eugenol, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. *
Inactive Ingredients: None
Chicken soup produces a powerful placebo effect. The ritual involved in making and serving it, as well as the context in which it is used invariably ensures that a sick person taking it will begin to feel better almost immediately after the first dose. Chicken soup, regardless of cultural background, has become engrained into the human psyche as the classic cure-all. *
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
** This product contains animal protein and gluten and has been manufactured on equipment used to process eggs, soy, peanuts and tree nuts.
4 lbs chicken (bone-in dark meat is best)
4 onions
1 tbsp each butter, coriander and salt
2 tsp brown sugar
1 tsp each cumin, pepper, cayenne, turmeric, cardamom, garlic and ginger
1 cup chicken stock or 1 cup of water & ¼ tsp salt
1/3 cup seasoned rice wine vinegar
Slice the onions and combine them in a large sauté pan with all of the other ingredients, except for the chicken. Reduce the onion mixture over low heat, stirring occasionally, until most of the liquid is gone, about 2 hours.
I prefer to bake this in a lidded clay pot or tagine, but you can simmer the chicken in a large heavy bottom pot for an hour.
If you are going to use a clay pot or tagine, follow the instructions for your particular piece of cookware. Many will require you to soak the lids in water. Mine has to be soaked for a half hour before use, so I do this while the onion mixture is cooking down.
Apply a thin layer of the onion mixture on the bottom of the pot and then put a single layer of chicken over it. Spread a thin layer of the onion mixture over the chicken and then put another layer of chicken over that. Spread the remaining onion mixture on top of the chicken. My clay pot can fit about 4 lbs of chicken. You may have to play with the recipe depending on the size of your pot. You can always make the full recipe for the sauce and use less when cooking the chicken. Any leftover sauce can be refrigerated for later use.
Bake the chicken at 450° for 2 hours.
Serve with couscous, rice or naan. Enjoy!