Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day 289 (Home)

I'm not sure exactly what happened, but it too Stacey and I over 10 hours to get back. It was fun though; we weren't in any hurry.

Did the usual: Big Sur, Julia Pfeiffer Falls, elephant seals. We had lunch in this amazing sea food restaurant near Carmel. Definitely gonna have to stop there again.

Now I'm home, and the parental units have seen and gotten over the tattoo. It was pretty easy cuz James apparently revealed his tattoo earlier.

I just found out that my brother's graduation is actually on the 11th, not the 18th, so I could have left for my road trip a week earlier, but I'm not gonna change it. I think it's long enough as it is.

Unfortunately, I also accidentally deleted my schedule from my computer, so now I have to recreate it. ARGH!


  1. yay for the parentals not being too wigged out about the tat... and isn't the schedule on facebook still?

    happy road tripping!!! :)

  2. Yeah, luckily the schedule is on my blog, but I had made a few changes, so i need to remember what those were.

    Carly - Have you seen the new Sex & the City yet?

  3. Nope, still behaving like a hermit...Netflix will deliver! (...you know eventually :-)
