So, my nephews somehow managed to make the pole that my brother's clothes were hanging on in the closet fall down. Their story is that they were playing with a little metal ball, about an inch and a half across, and they threw it. Apparently, it hit the pole and the pole fell.
Now, I'm no physicist, but this story sounds just a little bit fishy to me. If I had to guess, I'd say they were hanging on the pole.
I don't want to punish them for what happened, because it's not really a big deal, but the fact that they're lying about it bothers me. I kind of want to get them to tell the truth somehow, by making them sit in a corner until they do or something, but on the off chance that they actually are telling the truth, as unlikely as that may be, I don't want to unjustly accuse them of lying.
Are they learning a completely wrong lesson here by getting away with it? Will this set some kind of precedent for their future behavior? How do we as parents/guardians/older relatives deal with these situations?
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