Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day 252 (General Assembly)

I had my first conference call today. It was kind of weird. I've heard of conference calls before, but I've never actually thought about the reality of them. At first I thought it was pretty cool to be doing something "technological" like that, but then I realized this technology has been around for a pretty long time. You know, just one of those embarrassing thoughts that you have every now and then.

Heather convinced me to be part of a group at the General Assembly of the PCUSA this year, which happens to be in Minneapolis, MN this year in July. This group will be trying to foster an environment of acceptance and love for all members of the PCUSA, but especially towards those who identify as being part of the LGBT community.

Since I've been planning a road trip for this summer, I figured I can just incorporate this experience into it. Also, as a person who has been a lifelong Presbyterian, I think it's important for me to see how the General Assembly operates. Should be fun; I'll keep you posted!